Autor Thema: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!  (Gelesen 552097 mal)

Offline karmaka

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1545 am: Mai 19, 2014, 14:10:13 Nachmittag »
Chelyabinsk in Nantes



Le morceau acquis par la ville est l'un des six plus gros retrouvés dans les environs de Tcheliabinsk.

Diese Behauptung ist nicht richtig!

Nach offenbar erfolgter Kritik an dem Kaufpreis in Zeiten einer Wirtschaftskrise in Frankreich, rechtfertigt David Martineau,
der stellvertretende Bürgermeister, den Ankauf mit folgenden Worten:

«C'est une acquisition pour le long terme. [...] Même en période de crise, il est fondamental de pouvoir poursuivre notre démarche de diffusion culturelle et scientifique.»

Weiterhin soll der Meteorit auch der Universität zur Analyse zur Verfügung stehen und als pädagogisches Anschauungsobjekt dienen.

Offline Haschr Aswad

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1546 am: Mai 19, 2014, 16:30:33 Nachmittag »

Le morceau acquis par la ville est l'un des six plus gros retrouvés dans les environs de Tcheliabinsk.

Diese Behauptung ist nicht richtig!

Da hat Karmaka recht (wie eigentlich fast immer). In der Liste der nach Größe sortierten Massen steht das 963 g Stück auf Platz 22.

Offline ganimet

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Daß alles vergeht;weiß man schon in der JUGEND;
aber wie schnell alles vergeht,erfährt man erst im ALTER.

Offline karmaka

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1548 am: Mai 22, 2014, 21:25:58 Nachmittag »

Ja, die Ergebnisse dieses Artikels gingen heute wahrlich um die (Medien-)Welt

Jadeite in Chelyabinsk meteorite and the nature of an impact event on its parent body

Shin Ozawa, Masaaki Miyahara, Eiji Ohtani, Olga N. Koroleva, Yoshinori Ito, Konstantin D. Litasov & Nikolay P. Pokhilenko


Scientific Reports 4, Article number: 5033 doi:10.1038/srep05033
Published 22 May 2014

The Chelyabinsk asteroid impact is the second largest asteroid airburst in our recorded history. To prepare for a potential threat from asteroid impacts, it is important to understand the nature and formational history of Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) like Chelyabinsk asteroid. In orbital evolution of an asteroid, collision with other asteroids is a key process. Here, we show the existence of a high-pressure mineral jadeite in shock-melt veins of Chelyabinsk meteorite. Based on the mineral assemblage and calculated solidification time of the shock-melt veins, the equilibrium shock pressure and its duration were estimated to be at least 3–12 GPa and longer than 70 ms, respectively. This suggests that an impactor larger than 0.15–0.19 km in diameter collided with the Chelyabinsk parent body at a speed of at least 0.4–1.5 km/s. This impact might have separated the Chelyabinsk asteroid from its parent body and delivered it to the Earth.

Offline aknoefel

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1549 am: Mai 23, 2014, 08:18:17 Vormittag »
Die japanisch-russische Untersuchung als Übersichtsbeitrag auf Deutsch:

LINK n-tv

Sag mir mal meine Meinung...

Offline karmaka

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1550 am: Mai 31, 2014, 00:43:39 Vormittag »
Nicht sehr Chebarcool ...
die Koordinaten auf dem Denkmal wurden schon wieder falsch angegeben...


Now the monument indicated 60°11'17 "N, 55°02'37" E, and the correct coordinates meteorite falls - 54°57'35 "north latitude, 60° 19' 15" east longitude

Offline karmaka

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1551 am: Juni 02, 2014, 16:53:10 Nachmittag »
Zwei abstracts über Chelyabinsk von der 11th International GeoRaman Conference , June 2014

Raman Characterization of Crystalline and Amorphous Matter in Meteorite "Chelyabinsk'' (South Urals, Russia)

Goryainov, S. V.; Moroz, T. N.; Pokhilenko, N. P.; Podgornykh, N. M.


Mineralogy of Meteorite Chelyabinsk as Determined by Raman Spectroscopy

Voropaev, S. A.; Eliseev, A. A.; Petukhov, D. I.


Offline DCOM

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1552 am: Juni 02, 2014, 20:49:34 Nachmittag »

Le morceau acquis par la ville est l'un des six plus gros retrouvés dans les environs de Tcheliabinsk.

Diese Behauptung ist nicht richtig!

Da hat Karmaka recht (wie eigentlich fast immer). In der Liste der nach Größe sortierten Massen steht das 963 g Stück auf Platz 22.

Wo gibt es diese Liste?

Offline Haschr Aswad

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1553 am: Juni 02, 2014, 22:55:50 Nachmittag »
Die Liste ist leider nicht im einschlägigen Fachhandel erhältlich. Es handelt sich um die unveröffentlichte Datengrundlage unserer Streufeldkarte :

Offline karmaka

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1554 am: Juni 10, 2014, 20:41:08 Nachmittag »
Magnetic properties of the LL5 ordinary chondrite Chelyabinsk (fall of February 15, 2013)

Natalia S. Bezaeva et al.


Here we characterize the magnetic properties of the Chelyabinsk chondrite (LL5, S4, W0) and constrain the composition, concentration, grain size distribution, and mineral fabric of the meteorite's magnetic mineral assemblage. Data were collected from 10 to 1073 K and include measurements of low-field magnetic susceptibility (χ0), the anisotropy of χ0, hysteresis loops, first-order reversal curves, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and X-ray microtomography. The REM and REM′ paleointensity protocols suggest that the only magnetizations recorded by the chondrite are components of the Earth's magnetic field acquired during entry into our planet's atmosphere. The Chelyabinsk chondrite consists of light and dark lithologies. Fragments of the light lithology show logχ0 = 4.57 ± 0.09 (s.d.) (n = 135), while the dark lithology shows 4.65 ± 0.09 (n = 39) (where χ0 is in 10−9 m3 kg−1). Thus, Chelyabinsk is three times more magnetic than the average LL5 fall, but is similar to a subgroup of metal-rich LL5 chondrites (Paragould, Aldsworth, Bawku, Richmond) and L/LL5 chondrites (Glanerbrug, Knyahinya). The meteorite's room-temperature magnetization is dominated by multidomain FeNi alloys taenite and kamacite (no tetrataenite is present). However, below approximately 75 K remanence is dominated by chromite. The metal contents of the light and dark lithologies are 3.7 and 4.1 wt%, respectively, and are based on values of saturation magnetization.

Offline karmaka

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1555 am: Juli 02, 2014, 16:27:33 Nachmittag »
Nicht sehr Chebarcool ...
die Koordinaten auf dem Denkmal wurden schon wieder falsch angegeben...


Now the monument indicated 60°11'17 "N, 55°02'37" E, and the correct coordinates meteorite falls - 54°57'35 "north latitude, 60° 19' 15" east longitude

Der Verantwortliche ist nun ausgemacht, die Kostenfrage geklärt und demnächst sollen nun endlich die richtigen Koordinaten des Fallorts der Hauptmasse auf dem Denkmal stehen.


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Offline karmaka

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1556 am: Juli 18, 2014, 18:43:16 Nachmittag »
Nachdem bereits kürzlich nach den zwei UrFU Wissenschaftlern Viktor Grochowskij / Виктор Гроховский und Marija Grizewitsch / Мария Грицевич zwei Asteroiden, (16399) Grokhovsky und (14345) Gritsevich, benannt wurden (LINK), darf nun auch Aleksandr Dudorow / Александр Дудоров von der Chelyabinsk State University (CSU) einem Asteroiden seinen Namen geben: (8795) Dudorov


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« Letzte Änderung: Juli 18, 2014, 19:27:28 Nachmittag von karmaka »

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1557 am: Juli 26, 2014, 00:19:16 Vormittag »




Offline karmaka

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1558 am: August 11, 2014, 16:12:25 Nachmittag »
Electrophonic Sound Generation by the Chelyabinsk Fireball

Martin Beech
Campion College. The University of Regina. Regina. SK S45 OA2. Canada

Earth, Moon, and Planets (in Press)
Published online: 8 August 2014



Simultaneous, also called electrophonic sounds were widely reported by eye-witnesses to the Chelyabinsk fireball. The available data indicate that such sounds were heard at ranges to at least ~100 km from the fireball’s atmospheric path. We estimate that the fireball may have generated of order 625 W of energy in the form of very low frequency radiation, and we find some tentative evidence to indicate that the acoustic conversion efficiency at a 100 km range was of order 0.1 %. Numerical simulations of the atmospheric flight path indicate that electrophonic sounds should have commenced some 5 s after the fireball first became luminous and would have lasted for some 7.5 s prior to the moment of catastrophic break-up.



1 Introduction

Much has already been published with nespect to the 15 February 2013 Chelyabinsk fireball
and meteorite fall [Parigini et al. 2U| 3: Popova et al. 2013; Borovicka et al. 2013b Brown
et al. 2013; Tauzin et al. 2013). The parent object was likely derived from the Flora
asteroid family, but has a relatively young cosmic ray exposure age of some 1.2 million
years (Popova et al. 2013). Within the first month of the fall date. several kilograms of LL5
ordinary chondrite meteorites were collected‘ with the largest fragment so far being
recovered weighing-in at 654 kg. Infrasound detectors situated around the world recorded
the end-phase air-burst detonation and the data indicates an energy of 500 +-100 kiloton‘s
of TNT equivalent for the Chelyabinsk event (Brown et al. ZOI 3). ln addition to the
infrasound data. the luminous phase of the fireball‘s atmospheric flight was recorded by
numerous video camera systents and this has resulted in the detailed annotation of the time
sequence relating to the fireball's height and velocity. In this analysis we use the atmo
spheric flight data to investigate the conditions under which electrophonic [also called
simultaneous] sounds might have been generated prior to the fireball approaching its
catastrophic break-up point. Our aim here is to characterize the size and extent of the zone.
relative to the fireball‘s ground track. over which electrophonic sounds might potentially
have been heard.
The observation that bright fireballs can generate electrophonic sounds has been
discussed for many years now, but the essential physics behind the phenomenon were
first elucidated by Colin Keay (1980a, I992}. Keay outlined the ‘magnetic spaghetti’
mechanism in which ELF/NLF radiation is produced through the entrapment of the
geomagnetic field in the turbulent wake behind an ablating meteoroid. While the ELF/
VLF radiation cannot be directly heard by a human observer, Keay‘s model invokes the
presence of local transducers (e.g.. dry leaf matter, lose hair, even spectacles) which upon
interacting with the radiation field produce audible sounds—typically described as
buzzing. clicking and/or sizzling. Importantly, in terms of characteristic phenomenology.
electrophonic sounds are heard at the same time as the fireball is seen in flight. This
behavior is in contrast to the explosive blast wave generated through the catastrophic
disintegration of the incoming meteoroid which propagates at the appropriate altitude and
temperature dependent speed of sound. In the case of the Chelyabinsk event the blast
wave required some 2.5 min after the passage of the fireball to reach the ground at the
City of Chelyabinsk itself. [...]
In addition to the tangling of the geomagnetic field model. Beech and Foschini (1999.
2001) have outlined a secondary process by which short-duration or burster electrophonic
sounds might be generated. This second mechanism relies upon the abrupt variation in
the electron and ion densities across a shock boundary formed within the fireball wake.
This mechanism, it is argued, generates very low frequency (VLF) radiation through
charge separation rather than via magnetic field entanglement. The burster mechanism is
thought to most likely operate at those times of short-duration fragmentation events ---
rather than during the times of steady ablative mass loss when the Keay mechanism is
expected to run more efficiently. Both burster and long-duration electrophonic sounds
appear to have accompanied the Chelyabinsk fireball and it is the details of this event
that we discuss next.

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Re: METEOR, 15.2.13, ~9.22 Ortszeit, Tscheljabinsk, Tjumen, Swerdlowsk, Russland !!!
« Antwort #1559 am: August 16, 2014, 23:57:05 Nachmittag »
Nach einem Jahr hat der Uralische Maler Albert Rastjapi / Альберт Растяпи  nun sein Chelyabinsk-Triptychon beendet

LINKER FLÜGEL                                         MITTELTAFEL/GESAMTBILD                                               RECHTER FLÜGEL

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