Autor Thema: FK 2012 09 21  (Gelesen 1404 mal)

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FK 2012 09 21
« am: September 28, 2012, 17:15:14 Nachmittag »
Hatten wir den schon?
kam so über die IMO-Liste:

> The big UK bolide of September 21 was captured by Earth's gravity. It hit
> again the Earth 155 minutes later in north of America, where it was
> observed in the sky of NE USA, Ontario & Quebec.
> Below, please find the press release:
> Best wishes,
> Cis Verbeeck

Hi all,

Another thing that is becoming clear by now, is that prior to entry it was in an
Aten-type orbit:

(compared to when that post was written 3 days ago, there is a somewhat better
trajectory solution and speed solution. Those new results too result in an
Aten-type orbit, even taking generous margins in trajectory direction, entry
angle and speed in account).

- Marco
Lächle einfach - denn du kannst sie nicht alle töten


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