OBERST J. et al. (2004) The multiple meteorite fall of Neuschwanstein: Circumstances of the event and meteorite search campaigns (MAPS 39-10, 2004, pp. 1627–1641):
Neuschwanstein III:
The third and largest meteoritic fragment so far (2840 g)
was recovered in the summer season of 2003 (Wimmer 2003)
after extensive search activities by the finder and his wife. This specimen has a somewhat elongated shape and clearly shows more surface rust than the previously recovered pieces. The fragment, though heavier, was found uptrack from the two previous samples, suggesting that the odd-shaped piece had experienced stronger atmospheric drag.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Neuschwanstein I, II, III,
Herzlichen Glückwunsch and Karl + Frau zu III,