Hier mal noch einige Artikel und Abhandlungen zum Thema, die für Berechnungen relevant und nützlich sein können:
McCROSKY R.E. et al. (1968) Special data-reduction procedures for Prairie Network meteor photographs (Smithson. Astrophys. Obs. Special Report No. 273, 1-88).
McCROSKY R.E. et al. (1976) Prairie Network fireball data I: Summary and orbits (Centre for Astrophysics Preprint Series, No. 655, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 13 pp.).
CEPLECHA Z. et al. (1976) Fireball end heights: A diagnostic for the structure of meteoritic material (J. Geophys. Res. 81, 6257-6275).
CEPLECHA Z. et al. (1997) Prairie Network Fireballs: Data on height, distance and brightness for each measured time-mark (Meteoritics 32-4, 1997, A157-A158).
CEPLECHA Z. (1961) Multiple Fall of Pribram Meteorites Photographed (Bull.Astron. Inst. of Czech. 12, 21-47).
CEPLECHA Z. et al. (1993) Atmospheric fragmentation of meteoroids (Astron. Astrophys. 279, 615-626).
JENNISKENS P. et al. (1992) Orbits of meteorite producing fireballs (Astron. Astrophys. 255, 373-376).
HALLIDAY I. et al. (1978) The Innisfree meteorite and the Canadian camera network (J. Roy. Astron. Soc. Canada 72, 15-39).
HALLIDAY I. et al. (1981) The Innisfree meteorite fall: A photographic analysis of fragmentation, dynamics and luminosity (Meteoritics 16, 153-170).
HALLIDAY I. et al. (1983) Meteorite orbits from observations by camera networks (In Highlights of Astronomy 6, ed. R.M. West, pp. 399-404, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland).
HALLIDAY I. et al. (1989) The typical meteorite event, based on photographic records of 44 fireballs (Meteoritics 24, 65-72).
MOLAU S. et al. (1996) Computer-based analysis of all-sky meteor images obtained by the European Fireball Network (abs. Meteoritics 31, 1996, A092).
V.P. Stulov (1994) Determination of Meteoroid Parameters Using Ground-based Observational Data (Meteoritics 29-4, 1994, A538).