Hallo zusammen,
hier ist eine Arbeit von 2006
Infrared Absorption Investigations Confirm the Extraterrestrial Origin of Carbonado-Diamonds
http://www.fiu.edu/~jgara002/research%20statement/carbonado/carbonado-infrared.htmZitat (4. Conclusions)
Based on the overwhelming evidence for a close resemblance of the FTIR spectra of carbonado-diamond to presolar diamonds in meteorites, and to interstellar diamond dust; the overlapping range of C isotopic compositions with meteoritic nanodiamonds; the high porosity; the high concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; the cuboid shape micro-crystals; exotic metals, metal alloys, SiC, and TiN inclusions (found only in meteorites); and the high concentration of planar defect lamellae; the complete absence of a deep Earth mantle fingerprint, we conclude that the new IR measurements are consistent with an origin for carbonado-diamonds in an interstellar environment.
Gruss Iason