Hallo Zusammen,
Science) abonniert hat, bekommt mehrmals im Jahr automatisch das Magazin
Elements geliefert. In der Dezember 2019 Ausgabe wird auf Seite 423 noch einmal Rainers
Service Award erwähnt. Hier der Wortlaut:
Elements, Dec. 2019, Vol. 15, No. 6, p. 423:
The SERVICE AWARD is given to a person who significantly advances the goals of the society. The 2019 award goes to Rainer Bartoschewitz (Bartoschewitz Meteorite Lab, Germany), not only for his effort in advancing the goals of the society but also for the far-reaching impact of his work. His contribution to the society's goals has been accomplished through his collection of meteorites and extensive outreach activities related to meteorites and planetary science. The citation was written by Klaus Becker and delivered by Jisun Park.
P.S.: BECKER K. (2019) Award: 2019 Service Award for Rainer Bartoschewitz (MAPS 54-08, 2019, 1895-1897).
BARTOSCHEWITZ R. (2019) Response to the presentation of the Service Award of the Meteoritical Society (MAPS 54-08, 2019, 1898-1899).