5000 Jahre alte Petroglyphe eines Meteors in Chifeng, Nordchina entdecktEine 5000 Jahre alte neolithische Petroglyphe, die vermutlich einen Meteor zeigt, wurde
in der inneren Mongolei (Chifeng, Nordchina) entdeckt. Dies wurde beim '6th Hongshan Cultural Forum'
http://english.ruvr.ru/data/2011/08/27/1256023151/4shishkinskye.jpgZusatz: Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es sich bei dem Bild oben tatsächlich um die Petroglyphen aus der Mongolei handelt, die in dem Bericht erwähnt werden, denn das Bild erschien im letzten Jahr (21.10.10) bereits hier:
http://translate.google.de/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=ru&tl=de&u=http%3A%2F%2Frus.ruvr.ru%2F2010%2F10%2F21%2F27398750.htmlVielleicht dient das Bild nur als Illustration

WASHINGTON August 27] reported that an archaeologist in Inner Mongolia, about 5,000 years ago prehistoric rock paintings. Piece of rock grinding stone in a magnet, including humans, Housing, and with a "tail" of the fireball and other symbols. Experts concluded that this is likely to be home of prehistoric meteorite landing scene.
According to Xinhua News Agency reported that archaeologists said recently in Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region within Wengniute prehistoric rock paintings found in the aforementioned.
The discoverer of this piece of rock paintings, rock art researchers in Inner Mongolia Red Hill was a Wu pointed out that this piece of rock grinding stone in a magnet, and archaeological finds from the surrounding rock and grinding way to judge, appeared in rock paintings dating back about 5,000 years late Hongshan Culture .
Miss A was that the rock art carved quaint symbols 18, which has a similar body, dome house and carry the "tail" of the fireball and other symbols. He speculated that this show, "At night, the indigenous people of prehistoric hunting and go, about to walk into the dome house, when suddenly a ball of fire coming from the northeast sky."
Wu pointed out that only a few years ago in the same place, found a rock engraved with more than 30 symbols, show a similar picture: Seaman from the swamp Xieshen out lines like, pythons and adults and children running in the same direction, pretty birds chest and fled.
"They fled in the shape may be related to the meteorite landing devastating disaster." He believes that the rock above the reason for the disappearance of the Hongshan culture studies provide very valuable clues.
http://english.ruvr.ru/2011/08/27/55273149.html http://www.artsbj.com/Html/news/zhzxzx/ms/129509.htmlÜbersetzung:
Inner Mongolia found a meteorite landing scene engraved prehistoric rock paintings
August 27, 2011 Source: Beijing art network
Inner Mongolia Chifeng College is at the Sixth Forum on the Hongshan culture, archeology experts, recently discovered in Chifeng City, the territory of a Wengniute prehistoric rock paintings, was recorded meteorite fall and led to a vivid picture of prehistoric human migration .
According to the discoverer of rock paintings, rock art expert in the study of Inner Mongolia Red Hill was introduced Wu A, this piece of rock grinding stone in a magnet, including the peculiar shape of the symbol 18, a human symbol, dome house and carry the "tail" of the fireball and so on.
Miss A was that the newly discovered piece of the meteorite flying rock direction and less time revealed. "Just as people go hunting, when the house is about to enter the dome, a ball of fire coming from the northeast sky, the time is night time."
Wu was a piece of rock art in the research behind the story, they think of a few years ago found that at the same place, more than 30 symbols carved rock: lower left side of Seaman from the swamp Xieshen out lines like, lower right side of the python with adults and children running in the same direction, left side of the chest and fled the birds ... ...
"They fled in a certain form of devastation with the meteorite landing." He said the findings for the analysis of prehistoric civilization Zhezhi have reached a considerable population - the reasons for the disappearance of the Hongshan Culture ancestors provided valuable material.
Miss A was added, these two rock clear, coherent symbols, with a table-shaped, expressive features, according to scientists at home and abroad language generally accepted view, can these two symbols on the rock as the initial text.
He said that according to archaeological finds and rock and grinding around the ways to determine which two visual pictograph rock art in the solvability of about 5,000 years ago the late Hongshan culture, not later than the age of ancient Egypt, the Indus Valley of the hieroglyphs and Sumerian cuneiform, and its discovery may be the oldest text of Chinese for thousands of years in advance.
(Editor: Su Fu Ying)
