Autor Thema: "Camp Wood" - Eine schöne Geschichte!  (Gelesen 2120 mal)

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"Camp Wood" - Eine schöne Geschichte!
« am: Juni 08, 2010, 17:40:09 Nachmittag »
aus METBULL Database, ein Neueintrag von heute 08.06.10:
"Camp Wood        29°46’21"N, 99°52’30"W

Real County, Texas, United States
Found: 1960s
Classification: Iron meteorite (IIIAB)

History:  A single 148 kg mass was found by Guy Hutcherson in the late 1960s, while hunting with his son, Robert Hutcherson, on their property, north of Ranch Road 337 between the towns of Camp Wood and Leakey.  Noting its unusual appearance and metallic quality, they exhumed the partially buried mass and brought it home, where it remained until 2007, a presumed meteorite.  In 2007 a 28.6 gram sample was sent to NASA, forwarded to the Smithsonian and confirmed to be a meteorite."

Da sollten wir doch alle mal unsere Schuppen und Keller durchwühlen.  :wow:

Grüsse Willi  :prostbier:

PS: @Jürgen, schick doch deine Funde an die NASA. Die sind sicher nicht so voreingenommen wie ich und manch anderer!


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