Hallo Martin und Forum,
Auszug aus
KUNZ G.F. (1890) On five new American Meteorites (The American Journal of Science, Volume 140, 1890, Art. XLII, pp. 312-318):
The fact that in connection with the large Kiowa masses a number of small portions, weighing from half a pound to six pounds each, were found, makes it very probable that a small mass, of perhaps three or four pounds, had been conveyed by the Indians to the Ohio valley. Probably the two ear rings in the collection of Mr. Warren K. Moorhead, recently found by him at Fort Ancient, Ohio, may have been made from a part of the mass weighing 767.5 grams, which is now in the Harvard University collection.
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Possible Sources of Meteoritic Material from Hopewell Indian Burial Mounds (by J.T. WASSON and S.P. SEDWICK, Department of Chemistry and Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Los Angeles, California 90024):
... we conclude that the Hopewellian pallasites are fragments from the Brenham fall. Thus we have one more piece of evidence of the remarkable trading perimeter of the Hopewellian people, ...