Autor Thema: METEOR - 23.8.11, ~ 0.15 Uhr GMT, Irland  (Gelesen 2636 mal)

Offline karmaka

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METEOR - 23.8.11, ~ 0.15 Uhr GMT, Irland
« am: August 23, 2011, 21:31:16 Nachmittag »

Offline karmaka

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Re: METEOR - 23.8.11, ~ 0.15 Uhr GMT, Irland
« Antwort #1 am: August 31, 2011, 17:27:50 Nachmittag »
Meteor hunt for Irish stargazers

Stargazers across Ireland are on the hunt for a meteor that could have landed earlier this month.

Astronomy Ireland has received several reports of a fireball blazing across the skies over the west of Ireland on the night of Monday 22 August.
Experts believe it struck earth in Sligo, but it could have landed in one of the surrounding counties.
Fragments of one meteor that hit Ireland in 1999 sold at 50 times the then price of gold.
Astronomy Ireland has urged anyone who saw the meteor fall or hitting the ground to get in touch on their website so they can best assess where it might be found.
Chairman David Moore wants to make sure any potential evidence is not missed.
"Most people who saw it won't tell us and that is who will stop us finding it," he said.
"According to our preliminary analysis, any meteorite that dropped most likely fell on Sligo or the surrounding counties."
Estimates suggest one meteor a year hits Ireland but none have been located since 1999.
Demand for fragments of that rock was huge due to the rarity of Irish meteors and because it proved to be the last recorded of the second millennium.
But Mr Moore and his colleagues actually believe many more rocks have reached Ireland from space in the intervening years.
"We think one meteor a year falls in Ireland but they fall during the day, on cloudy and overcast nights and they are not seen," he explained.
"That's why this is such a good chance to discover this one and we would urge people who saw anything to contact us."

Quelle: (31.8.2011)

Die Grafschaft Sligo:



Offline karmaka

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Re: METEOR - 23.8.11, ~ 0.15 Uhr GMT, Irland
« Antwort #2 am: August 31, 2011, 17:53:27 Nachmittag »

David Moore from Astronomy Ireland speaks to Alan Clarke on The Home Run
(Shannonside Radio, Longford, Ireland)
about the possibilities of a meteorite landing in the west of Ireland on August 22nd 2011




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Re: METEOR - 23.8.11, ~ 0.15 Uhr GMT, Irland
« Antwort #3 am: September 01, 2011, 14:42:57 Nachmittag »
National Museum bietet einen Finderlohn an

Das 'National Museum' in Irland hat einen Finderlohn für zukünftige Meteoritenfunde des Irland-Meteors vom 23.8.11
angeboten. Der finanzielle Umfang des Finderlohns soll von der Seltenheit und dem Meteoritentyp abhängig sein.

Museum offers reward for finder of meteorite
By reporters

Thursday September 01 2011

The National Museum is offering a cash reward to anyone who finds the meteorite that was spotted last week. Meteorites are worth their weight in gold and can command six-figure sums.
The glowing fireball, travelling at speeds of 100,000mph, was spotted shortly after midnight on Monday, August 22, by hundreds of people from Cork to Belfast and all along the east coast, according to David Moore, chairman of Astronomy Ireland.
"It looked like an extremely bright shooting star that was rocketing across the sky for a few seconds before it fell to earth," he said.
But unlike the misleading image of a giant molten orb depicted in sci-fi movies, real meteorites are typically the size of a football or golf ball and look like a burnt rock.
"They are not radioactive or toxic and would feel warm to the touch, at best, if picked up immediately after crashing."
Only two meteorites have been found on Irish soil over the past century due to the fact they rarely land on earth and Ireland is so small that they usually wind up in the sea.
The last one, found by an elderly woman in Co Carlow in 1999, was sold to a private collector in Scotland for several thousand pounds. Another was found in Northern Ireland in 1969.
Meteorites can be extremely valuable to scientists because they may contain clues to the universe, said Nigel Monaghan, of the natural history division at the National Museum of Ireland.
"They are leftover debris that's more than 500 million years old," he said.
"So far we haven't learned a lot but there are rare ones that can tell how old the solar system is. Occasionally, you might get one that has ricocheted off the moon or Mars, which could contain the building blocks of amino acids, suggesting life on other planets."
The museum will happily pay a reward if the meteorite is found. But its value -- and the reward -- would depend on the size and the rarity of the specimen found.
People often ring the museum thinking they have found a meteorite but they turn out to be what Mr Monaghan calls "meteor-wrongs".
"I've seen furballs from cows and lumps of metal and rocks and fossils," he said.
Meanwhile, Astronomy Ireland is also encouraging anyone who saw the meteorite to send in a report on its website.
Preliminary analysis suggests it may have landed in Co Sligo or elsewhere in the west, Mr Moore said.
- reporters




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Re: METEOR - 23.8.11, ~ 0.15 Uhr GMT, Irland
« Antwort #4 am: September 01, 2011, 17:28:26 Nachmittag »
Na, das ist doch mal ein Ansatz! :user:

Offline karmaka

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Re: METEOR - 23.8.11, ~ 0.15 Uhr GMT, Irland
« Antwort #5 am: September 01, 2011, 17:35:18 Nachmittag »
Na, das ist doch mal ein Ansatz! :user:

Ich dachte mir, dass dir diese Nachricht gefällt, Ingo  :einaugeblinzel:

Hoffentlich wird auch etwas gefunden, das Gebiet ist noch sehr groß...

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