Etwas zur Vorgeschichte der Bayrischen K-T Grenze :The K/T boundary of Gams (Eastern Alps,
Austria) and the nature of terminal
Cretaceous mass extinction
Andrei F. Grachev
Auszug Kapitel 1.“First indications on Paleogene in the Gosau Group
were given by K¨uhn [
1930]. He deduced a Danian age
(considered as terminal Cretaceous at that time) of the
Zwieselalm Formation which forms the top of the sequence.
Micropalaeontological studies in the Basin of
Gosau by Ganns, Knipscheer [1954], K¨upper [1956], and
on Gams byWicher [1956], gave a more comprehensive
picture of Paleogene deposits.
By applying planktonic
foraminifera in a large scale, this was confirmed later
by Herm [1962], and Hillebrandt [1962], for the Lattengebirge
(Bavaria), Kollmann [1963, 1964], for the Gams
area and by Wille-Janoschek [1996], for the western part
of the Gosau area.
Stimulated by the world-wide discussion initiated
by Alvarez et al. [1980], the nature of the K/T boundary
was investigated in the Gosau Group in greater
detail. There are three Gosau Basins where the K/T
boundary transition layer has been traced. From the
name-giving Basin of Gosau, which extends over the
boundaries of the Austrian provinces Upper Austria
and Salzburg, two sections have been described: the
Elendgraben close to the village of Rußbach [Preisinger
et al., 1986] and the Rotwandgraben [Peryt et al., 1993].
Herm and others, provided a micro- and nannostratigraphical
frame for the K/T boundary layers of the
Wasserfallgraben in the Lattengebirge (Bavarian Alps).
A study by Graup, Spettel, [1989], revealed three iridium
peaks in this section, of which one is located 16 cm
below the K/T boundary.The third Gosau basin is that of Gams which is the
subject of this monograph. Lahodynsky [1988a, 1988b],
has provided a detailed lithological section through the
K/T boundary of the Knappengraben (Gams 1 in this
monograph) which he had excavated together with H.
Stradner in 1986. Stradner, R¨ogl [1988], reported about
the microfauna and nannoflora of this section and emphasized
the completeness of the stratigraphical record.”
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