...der Asteroid Apophis kommt der Erde sehr nahe - aber erst 2029.
http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news178.html Apophis Risk Assessment Updated, Steve Chesley, Davide Farnocchia, NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office, February 21, 2013
A recent study has updated the impact hazard assessment for 99942 Apophis, a 325-meter diameter near-Earth asteroid that has been the focus of considerable attention after it was found in December 2004 to have a significant probability of Earth impact in April 2029. While the 2029 potential impact was ruled out within days through the measurement of archival telescope images, the possibility of a potential impact in the years after 2029 continues to prove difficult to rule out.
Based on extensive optical and radar position measurements from 2004-2012, Apophis will pass the Earth in 2029 at an altitude of 31900 ± 750 km (about 5 ± 0.1 Earth-radii above the surface of the Earth). That altitude is close enough that the Earth's gravity could deflect the asteroid onto a trajectory that brings it back to an Earth impact. Such impact trajectories require Apophis to pass the Earth at a precise altitude, known as a keyhole, in 2029 en route to a subsequent impact.