Danke für den phantastischen Link. Unbedingt ansehen !
Es sind nicht nur 10 Bilder wie in der kleinen Vorschau sondern ca. 1000.
"On this site, you will find over a thousand of stereo anaglyphs constructed from images acquired by the OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera during the ROSETTA mission. These anaglyphs are fully documented and localized on a 3-dimensionnal model of the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Various tools are available to search for anaglyphs using different criteria such as parameters, regions on the nucleus, localization, please see the “Documentation” where you will further find specific information on the ROSETTA mission, the OSIRIS-NAC instrument, the processing of the original images, the construction of the anaglyphs, their parameters, and advices on how to best view them."
Und jetzt komme ich zu spät in die Arbeit ...